Did I tell you that Remi got adopted? I don't think I did yet. I was just scrolling through my camera roll and I found this picture and I realized how much I miss him.
He is doing so great and his new home. He's got a new dad and he doesn't have to share with anybody. 😍
This picture holds lots of emotions for me. It reminds me of my purpose, saving their lives and finding them forever homes.
We need about $19,000 to hit a match that will allow the huskies to earn $60,000. And I only have till tomorrow night at midnight to do it. Will you please please help me?? This is such an important goal to meet because it means thousands of lives saved.
Join me. Donate today.
Also, join me live between 12-1pm CST. Let's go hang out with Glacier our new guy with a broken leg. We've got a DNA test that will tell his age that we're going to administer! We'd love for you to be there! I'll shoot for 12 but I can't promise I won't be late 1 o'clock will be the latest. Make sure you enable text notifications of when I go live!
See you in a couple of hours!