Ouch. Hit right to the stomach. Seeing his name come up.
For those of you who didn’t see the live, Chucky passed away for unknown reasons the other day. I’m devastated. I guess I’m also a little thankful and glad I was able to do his DNA I’ll always have a little part of him. I miss him so much. I’m dreading going home and he won’t be waiting for me.

Britney was sooo concerned about Chuckie from birth…..I’m so sad reading this and know y’all are devastated for sure! You nurtured him extensively. What a shock!
Sending prayers your way❣️
I’m so sorry for your loss ❤️
I know it’s been a lot lately💔
I am so sorry to hear that Britney and Jenni😢😢🤗🤗
So sorry sweet Britney 💔💔💔