We haz the cute. All of it. Cute huskies and a cute pile of stuff to raffle off to help finish their concrete project.
We still have a long way to go to get all the money we need for the concrete! Thank God for the drainage system donation by Advantage Plumbing, Inc, I can imagine the job was around 50k itself! The concrete alone will cost us 50k! So, in an attempt to keep the concrete pouring, I put together this little pile of cute that could be yours by donating just $5 to their concrete fund and in exchange getting a shot at the cute.
You in? $5 for concrete to keep the huskies clean and healthy gets you a shot at a ton of husky cute. Here the link to grab your ticket. We will go for exactly 5 days! Next Saturday we will draw the winner via halfway husky and the gift bag will ship the next day. Get your now!! The huskies NEED concrete!
Check out the "H3 Designs" on the website for our online store, there you will find how to purchase a H3 raffle ticket.https://www.huskyhalfwayhouse.org/product-page/raffle-ticket #raffle #huskyrescue
