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23, maybe 24.

That’s how many huskies H3 pulled from high kill SoCal shelters on this latest Rescue Ride. Let’s call it Rescue Recharge.

But first a little pupdate on Tikkun. Riverside vet staff found a microchip and has placed him on a 10-day hold. I will let Bethany address this more later. For now, the moment he’s released, we will be there to pick him up.

In the meantime, if you donated for his rescue specifically, then know that we will apply it towards the other 22 huskies that we rescued yesterday, 7, of which came from the same shelter and were at much higher risk of euth.

Here are the lucky huskies.

And before I go any further, we would prefer not to be criticized for not rescuing the 1000 other huskies that we left behind and instead let's celebrate the 23 we did save.


Raj A796876

Neptune A794477

Raku A794819


Olivia 240930

Tennessee 241018

Rhett 241248

Sparkle 241144

Jitterbug 240916

Pending kiddo. No name yet.


Beau A564564

Soba A564576

Balto A563429

Mojo A564276

Chance A565055 fearful guy

Kyle A564816

Binky A563957


Marshmallow 1796882

Koba 1790857

Ash 1790339

Heidi 1793486

A1796799. Tikkun (microchip hold)

A1788921. Lorn

A1786214 Erik

A1794616 Autumn

Thank you so so much for all of your support, well wishes, encouragement and tears as you followed along for their rescue and continue to follow their journey as we take them halfway home.

Next up is phase 2 of the rescue, the rehab. This is the time that they will spend at H3 being evaluated for all the things that make them huskies and for those quirks that might have caused them to wind up in a high kill shelter.

Over the past few days H3 has been fundraising to cover this massive undertaking. We estimate based on history that each rescued husky will average a cost of $2500 to go through all three stages, the rescue, the rehab and the rehome.

That’s 57,500.

We have only raised a quarter of that. A quarter. We so appreciate that quarter and must continue to beg for the rest.

If you pledged for any of the dogs above (except the last 5. They are still processing) and haven’t had a chance to honor it, please do. We want to keep saving lives, but we have to able to care for them properly and we need more homes.

Adopt and/or donate, so we can rescue again.

Thank you so so much for your support.

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Simply Red


May 22, 2024

I have 2 Riverside rescues and one from Downey - one of the rescues is a husky (my first one) - that led me to want to help more huskies. Which led me to H3. I sent 1 donation - but will send another larger one at the end of the week. I’m so very thankful for the Riverside stop - so wish there was another H3 out there to help the huskies have a chance. Thank you from me and my husky. They don’t deserve to die for being unwanted, abandoned or abused.


I just made a donation, thank you so much for going to Riverside County Shelter. That is where I rescued our Koda almost 5 years ago.


Bellisima Benelli
Bellisima Benelli
May 21, 2024

So happy you rescued 25!!! Yayyyy 🥰 🥰 🥰

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