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Join date: Aug 14, 2023


I have loved huskies for pretty much my whole life. My love for them began when I got Sierra. She was a wolf/husky mix and she was beautiful and perfect. The day she died she definitely took a piece of me with her. I mourned her more than my own father and my father was special to me too. That's how special she was. Since her was Cheyenne, Precious, Nikito and TJ. My daughter is also hooked on the breed. She comes by it honest. She has 3, Max, Mishka, and Storm. She also has a chocolate lab named Layla and I love her just as much as the other 3. My son has 2 German Shepards and a husky mix. Duke and Pacey are the GS and Zeke is the husky mix. I think he's mixed with a Boxer. Duke is a K9 Sheppard and he is gorgeous. Pacey is too but he's not K9. He got Pacey from someone that wanted to re-home him because of allergies. We are dog lovers through to the bone.


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