E-listed in a rural Oklahoma shelter and OFFICIALLY taking our last two spots.
I saw both of these kiddos in the shelter that I pulled pregnant mom out of while I was there and told them both I would be there for them if they needed me. They will arrive on Friday. Lucky huskies.
I put out a warning last week that this day would be coming and it’s here.
This means that I can not save a husky, even in my own tiny town, if I wanted to.
Please, please consider opening your home to a halfway husky. As long as you can properly care for him, I’ll bring him right to your door, anywhere in the country, and waive the transport AND adoption fees if you can help us out with a 25 a month donation. I also have multiple donors willing to sponsor that 25 so there is no excuse.
If you can help me save one life, you are helping me save two and it needs to happen now. Right now.
Please adopt. Everyday that goes by is another husky we cannot save.
